Over 90% of our patients have reported significant improvements in their health and pain levels after only weeks of care. Our secret is the renowned Gonstead chiropractic technique, which goes above and beyond a traditional chiropractic assessment. Gonstead is a precise system, and the doctors that utilize it are able to deliver the most specific adjustments
Shockwave treatments are performed using a state-of-the-art, high-energy system called OssaTron. Dr. Bidkaram utilizes the latest and specific chiropractic techniques which encompases full spine evaluation and treatments and treatments of upper and lower extremities. California Spine & Rehab provides quality chiropractic care.
General Chiropractic
We work closely with a massage therapist and strength and conditioning team to help you recover from pain more quickly, and get you back to doing what you love, stronger and healthier than you were before! Alexa grew up in Pleasanton, playing competitive lacrosse through elementary, middle, and high school, as well as continuing her career to college
We offer an immediate appointments for new patients to help evaluate your condition and give you a detailed explaination & treatment plan to help you start feeling better again. When pulling a muscle in your back, or somehow putting a rib out of place can be both irritating and quite painful. But were you aware that, if it's left untreated, such an
Dr. Arnold specializes in neurologically-based chiropractic care for the whole family. We focus on finding the ROOT CAUSE of your health concerns so that you can see and feel the results. Our nation is currently facing a healthcare crisis based on a pain-based model. We spend the most money on healthcare out of any developed country, yet, we are far
At Vibrant Health Chiropractic, we take a full body approach to healing. We know that it is almost impossible to affect one part of the body without also affecting other parts. For this reason, our full body approach deals with the spine, extremities, nervous system, muscles and nutritional elements in order to create effective and lasting results.
Located in Pleasanton, California, Walsh Chiropractic Center has been serving the Tri-Valley community since 1997. We provide quality, personalized healthcare at a reasonable cost. Whether you're seeking pain relief, a healthier lifestyle, or optimal athletic performance, we provide the treatment that's right for you. We accept most insurance plans