Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) causes tissues of the body to heal faster- 66% faster healing according to FDA studies. We provide advanced spinal correction and chiropractic adjustments utilizing "state of the art" chiropractic techniques. Richard F. Soucek is a chiropractor serving Seward and the surrounding area.
Dr. Soucek and the rest of the welcoming
Perhaps you've always wanted to try chiropractic but were afraid you'd get "popped" or "cracked." While most doctors' offices have a cold and clinical feel, that's not the case at our practice. Here, we have a loving and energetic vibe. You will feel relaxed and ready to heal. Our team will greet you by name and with a warm smile. At our chiropractic
Our mission is to share hope to those who are looking for help, allow healing to begin from within and promote health by chiropractic, proper nutrition and exercise. Chiropractic is "health"care rather than "sick"care and it enables our bodies to heal by it's God-given design and encourages us to live well and be well. Find out about our clinic, mission