Electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, cold laser, rehabilitative exercises, wellness exercises, sports specific training exercises, and general work out exercises. Chiropractic keeps your body in balance and aligned. Adjustments relieves pressure from the nerves and restores movement in the joints. The adjustment corrects the alignment, so the
Treatment of extremity and spine injuries, whether it be an acute injury after a fall or a nagging, chronic sports injury. As chiropractors in Incline Village, NV, we utilize an individual approach to treating every patient and every condition. Providing a Scientific and Evidence-Based Approach to Muscular and Skeletal Care for over 18 years.
Established in 1981, Incline Chiropractic is one of the longest existing businesses in Incline Village, NV. We enhance the health and vitality of every one of our patients from newborn babies to 90+ year olds through holistic chiropractic care via postural-neurological techniques. We aim to become the leading health and wellness center for the community