Allen Chiropractic Care is a different type of Chiropractic practice for Bristol Virginia/Tennessee. We limit our practice to treating only neck, mid back pain, low back pain, arm, hip and leg pain, headaches, plantar fasciitis, joint pain, whiplash and sacro-iliac problems. Treatment is by utilizing various types of spinal manipulation, acupuncture
Marshall Chiropractic helps individuals reach their fullest potential and goals. We see patients at our office in Bristol, VA but frequent other locations and events. It is our goal to offer affordable care so that individuals may optimize their health through a connected nervous system. By helping the individual optimize their health, we hope to create
Specific Corrective Care Chiropractic is not for everyone. With limited availability, our doctors have very specific requirements in order to be accepted as a patient in our office. What this means to you is you're going to want to Schedule Your Free Consultation to see if you qualify! About four years ago I had a stroke that affected my left side.