Chiropractic is based on the fact that the nervous system controls every cell, organ and system of your body. Your spinal cord is covered by 24 moving vertebrae. When these bones lose their normal motion or position, they can irritate the nervous system. Chiropractors are experts at locating and correcting these areas of spinal malfunction. The chiropractic technique I use utilizes a hand-held instrument that delivers a precise, controlled thrust to the vertebrae.
This thrust, called an adjustment, restores the vertebrae to a more optimal position and motion. These adjustments are safe and comfortable for all types of patients, including babies and children, pregnant women, athletes and senior citizens. I also utilize physiotherapy and an innovative therapy called Kinesio Taping. This taping technique speeds healing by reducing swelling and pain and improving muscle function.
Anyone (no matter how young) who is in an accident or has a fall should be checked for proper spinal alignment by a chiropractor.
This thrust, called an adjustment, restores the vertebrae to a more optimal position and motion. These adjustments are safe and comfortable for all types of patients, including babies and children, pregnant women, athletes and senior citizens. I also utilize physiotherapy and an innovative therapy called Kinesio Taping. This taping technique speeds healing by reducing swelling and pain and improving muscle function.
Anyone (no matter how young) who is in an accident or has a fall should be checked for proper spinal alignment by a chiropractor.
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