Absolute Chiropractic Care
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Dr. Cruise has served her community 25 years by providing chiropractic care to the injured. She has a wonderful bedside manner and truly cares about the whole patient. Dr. Austin was born at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and raised in the Washington, DC area. I have over 22 years of managerial and administrative experience in the Chiropractic profession.

My name is Ana Sanchez - I've been a billing specialist since 2002 specializing in accounts collections and claim services.
Electrical stimulation is the stimulation of muscles using electrical impulses.
Muscle groups are targeted and the electrical current is to decrease, pain, swelling and spasm.
Therapeutic ultrasound is a modality using an ultrasonic head that is in direct contact with the skin transmitting sound waves and is used to treat sprains, strains, tendonitis and inflammation to name a few.
Mechanical traction uses utilizes a device that mobilizes the spine mechanically by expanding the space between vertebrae.
Electrical muscle stimulation is electrical current that affects the myo-neural junction - or the area the nerve intervates or goes into the muscle.
As the electrical current is increased there will be an involuntary contract of the muscular area being treated.
Exercise is needed for injured or spastic muscles, or areas of muscle spasm, to heal properly.
However, forced exercise can be injuries to the muscles.
Passive exercise (contraction and movement involuntarily done while the muscle is at rest) will exercise and thereby strengthen the muscle without injuring it.
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