Chiropractic care is a branch of medicine pertaining to the health of the spine, nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Dr. Zoe Segree uses specific spinal adjustments and other techniques to address the underlying conditions that are responsible for symptoms like back pain, neck pain, chronic headaches, numbness and tingling in the arms or legs.
In fact, the spinal bones protect and house the spinal column and nerves. And as you may know, the nervous system which is the brain, spinal cord and nerves, control most functions in our body. Having a healthy spine will improve your chances of having a healthy body and improved quality of life. Along with chiropractic care, we also provide acupuncture, physiotherapy, weight-loss and have thousands of professional supplements available for you at our online store.
Finding the root of the cause of your pain is what we do and what we fix. Hi, I'm Dr. Zoe Segree and welcome to our website. I hope you find it helpful and it inspires you to seek the wonderful care of chiropractic and acupuncture.
In fact, the spinal bones protect and house the spinal column and nerves. And as you may know, the nervous system which is the brain, spinal cord and nerves, control most functions in our body. Having a healthy spine will improve your chances of having a healthy body and improved quality of life. Along with chiropractic care, we also provide acupuncture, physiotherapy, weight-loss and have thousands of professional supplements available for you at our online store.
Finding the root of the cause of your pain is what we do and what we fix. Hi, I'm Dr. Zoe Segree and welcome to our website. I hope you find it helpful and it inspires you to seek the wonderful care of chiropractic and acupuncture.
Severe headaches and migraines can affect anyone at any age.
There are three classifications of headaches - cluster, migraine, and tension.
According to the American Chiropractic Association, a Duke University study found that chiropractic treatment is highly effective in the relief of tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck, which are the most common type of headaches in the U.S.
Your neck - also referred to as the cervical spine - is a delicate accumulation of vertebrae, nerves and muscles that work to support your head.
There are three classifications of headaches - cluster, migraine, and tension.
According to the American Chiropractic Association, a Duke University study found that chiropractic treatment is highly effective in the relief of tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck, which are the most common type of headaches in the U.S.
Your neck - also referred to as the cervical spine - is a delicate accumulation of vertebrae, nerves and muscles that work to support your head.
Acupuncture is one of the most powerful tools in alternative medicine.
Used for its many health benefits, acupuncture therapy is considered safe and effective when administered by a trained healthcare professional.
Dr. Zoe Segree will insert thin needles into specific points on the body through the skin.
The purpose of treating the specific points is to correct an imbalance in the body and promote the natural self-healing process.
Ear Acupuncture or Auricular Medicine, is a technique of using points on the skin of the external ear to diagnose and treat pain, addictions, cravings, weight loss, internal disorders and help with mental or emotional problems.
Used for its many health benefits, acupuncture therapy is considered safe and effective when administered by a trained healthcare professional.
Dr. Zoe Segree will insert thin needles into specific points on the body through the skin.
The purpose of treating the specific points is to correct an imbalance in the body and promote the natural self-healing process.
Ear Acupuncture or Auricular Medicine, is a technique of using points on the skin of the external ear to diagnose and treat pain, addictions, cravings, weight loss, internal disorders and help with mental or emotional problems.
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Over 300+ Professional Supplement Brands at your convenience.
Our online store is fully PCI and HIPPA compliant which means your protected health information is safe and secure.
Buying from marketplaces exposes your information, and can be sold to the highest bidder.
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