Core Chiropractic & Wellness
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Core Chiropractic & Wellness is a chiropractic clinic located in Little Rock, AR. Specializing in the NUCCA chiropractic technique, we are able to provide one of the most precise, gentle, and effective adjustments to correct the spine and help your body function at its best. While NUCCA is a well-accepted form of chiropractic, patient procedures differ from the more traditional techniques.

NUCCA treatment begins with specific x-ray views taken from specialized digital x-ray equipment that uses very minimal radiation. The positional relationship between the top bones in the spine named the Atlas, the skull, and the rest of the neck below the Atlas are analyzed to measure the exact degree of the misalignment for each patient. Each person's misalignment pattern is entirely unique to them.

A NUCCA adjustment is very gentle, precise, and an effective treatment that does not use twisting, cracking, or high force of the neck to realign the spine and improve body function. When the spine is in an optimal position, the nervous system can function at 100% efficiency.
Core Chiropractic and Wellness specializes in NUCCA Chiropractic Care, a highly advanced procedure, whose extremely precise and gentle approach is unlike any other kind of chiropractic care or medical specialty.
NUCCA chiropractic care is a drug-free, safe, natural treatment for many health conditions including migraines and other headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndromes, vertigo and more.
Many patients who have tried various medical and alternative approaches without success have found that NUCCA care provides the relief they have been seeking.
95 % of patients that we can help and accept care will notice relief immediately in their first treatment.
We GUARANTEE results in one visit or we won't accept a patient for care.
I've adopted the latest technology and have trained extensively on knee health and function.
If education, exercise, knee braces, anti-inflammatory medications and even SURGERY have not provided enough relief for you to live pain-free and reasonably active you may be a good candidate for knee decompression treatment - a safe, highly effective, option that can help you avoid knee replacement surgery.
Do you suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy (numbness, burning, tingling, pins and needles, pain) of the Feet, Legs, or Hands?
Think you have tried everything to help your condition?
Peripheral Neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves often causing weakness, pain, numbness, tingling and the most debilitating, balance problems.
This damage is commonly caused by lack of blood flow to the nerves in the hands and feet which causes the nerves to begin to degenerate due to lack of nutrient flow.
As the blood vessels that surround the nerves become diseased, they shrivel up, which causes the nerves to not get the nutrients they need to survive.
NUCCA stands for National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association.
The NUCCA system of spinal analysis and correction has over 50 years of research and development with the aid of computers and mechanical engineers have gone into perfecting the methods used by NUCCA Practitioners.
Special attention is focused on the structure, function and biomechanics of the upper cervical spine.
With accurate x-rays and measurement, spinal bones - vertebrae - can be restored to a normal position.
NUCCA adjustments are only rendered when signs of stress on the nerve system, also known as subluxation, are apparent.
If you are dealing with stiffness, aching, sharp or shooting pain, pain with prolonged sitting or standing, tingling going down your legs or arms, and even numbness, then you may be a candidate for Spinal Decompression.
Thanks to our chiropractors at the Dakota Clinic of Chiropractic we offer the latest treatment and prevention.
Our Chiropractors, Dr. Matthew Christenson and Dr. Jacob Parsons are highly skilled to provide all-natural, surgery-free treatment.
Through chiropractic care and the latest advancements in technology, we can help you alleviate pain and resolve the condition.
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