Dry needling is used for the assessment and treatment of myofascial pain syndromes and dysfunction due to myofascial trigger points, tension area, muscle spasm and increased tonicity. Dry needling releases endorphins, promotes healing and achieves. Laser Therapy, or "photobiomodulation", is the use of specific wavelengths of light (red and near-infrared) to create therapeutic effects.
These effects include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling. Laser Therapy has. Shaver Chiropractic & Natural Medicine uses a functional and integrated health approach for treating various chronic health conditions and issues that may prevent a person from achieving optimal health. What is Functional Medicine?
Spinal decompression involves elongating the spine utilizing a traction table, with the goal of relieving neck or back pain. Spinal decompression is a type of traction therapy applied to the spine to decompress joints, taking. We offer many gift certificates for the services we have, from massages to gym memberships.
These effects include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling. Laser Therapy has. Shaver Chiropractic & Natural Medicine uses a functional and integrated health approach for treating various chronic health conditions and issues that may prevent a person from achieving optimal health. What is Functional Medicine?
Spinal decompression involves elongating the spine utilizing a traction table, with the goal of relieving neck or back pain. Spinal decompression is a type of traction therapy applied to the spine to decompress joints, taking. We offer many gift certificates for the services we have, from massages to gym memberships.
At Shaver Chiropractic & Natural Medicine, We believe that knowledge can be empowering.
The more we understand our bodies and the mechanisms that cause injuries, the more committed we become to getting better.
Our office is devoted to educating you about your body, how it works and how to heal it.
We believe in working with our clients as partners, to learn from each other in our journey together to maximize health.
The body has the ability to heal itself.
In chiropractic, we facilitate that ability by adjusting the spine and unblocking the life force of the body.
The more we understand our bodies and the mechanisms that cause injuries, the more committed we become to getting better.
Our office is devoted to educating you about your body, how it works and how to heal it.
We believe in working with our clients as partners, to learn from each other in our journey together to maximize health.
The body has the ability to heal itself.
In chiropractic, we facilitate that ability by adjusting the spine and unblocking the life force of the body.
Chiropractic is the most frequently used non-allopathic, non-invasive health care treatments for musculoskeletal complaints, preventative medicine, and for many, alternative family medicine.
Shaver Chiropractic & Natural Medicine includes gentle diversified manual & instrumental adjusting, massage therapy, fitness & exercise, acupuncture, testing and blood-work, and the inclusion of appropriate nutrition and supplements.
Chiropractic is a natural form of health care that uses spinal adjustments to correct these misalignment and restore proper function to the nervous system, helping your body to heal naturally.
Shaver Chiropractic & Natural Medicine includes gentle diversified manual & instrumental adjusting, massage therapy, fitness & exercise, acupuncture, testing and blood-work, and the inclusion of appropriate nutrition and supplements.
Chiropractic is a natural form of health care that uses spinal adjustments to correct these misalignment and restore proper function to the nervous system, helping your body to heal naturally.
Dry Needling is a treatment technique whereby a sterile, single-use, fine filament needle (acupuncture needle) is inserted into the muscle to assist with decreasing pain and improving function through the release of myofascial trigger points (knots in the muscle).
Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person's skin at specific points on the body, to various depths.
Research suggests that it can help relieve pain, and it is used for a wide range of other complaints.
Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person's skin at specific points on the body, to various depths.
Research suggests that it can help relieve pain, and it is used for a wide range of other complaints.
Dr. Shaver is dedicated to providing comprehensive natural healthcare services for people of all ages and to teaching patients how to achieve and maintain wellness.
As a distinguished Fellow of Chiropractic Biophysics, Dr. Shaver utilizes spinal adjustment and other chiropractic physical medicine procedures to address injury & pain and to promote wellness.
Dr. Shaver is Wilmington's only chiropractic physician to have achieved specialty status (D.I.C.C.P.) in chiropractic pediatrics and prenatal care.
As a distinguished Fellow of Chiropractic Biophysics, Dr. Shaver utilizes spinal adjustment and other chiropractic physical medicine procedures to address injury & pain and to promote wellness.
Dr. Shaver is Wilmington's only chiropractic physician to have achieved specialty status (D.I.C.C.P.) in chiropractic pediatrics and prenatal care.
We use scientific, objective testing in our analysis and recommendations, and we see objective results.
We offer blood testing, toxic and elemental hair testing, food allergy testing and more.
We get great results because we test and we use objective testing methods.
Understand that we do not have a cure for your problem whether it is a rash, MS, diabetes or cancer.
Our goal is to get you healthier.
Progress is the key, and there should be some definite, objective improvement within about 2 months if what we are doing and recommend is going to work.
We offer blood testing, toxic and elemental hair testing, food allergy testing and more.
We get great results because we test and we use objective testing methods.
Understand that we do not have a cure for your problem whether it is a rash, MS, diabetes or cancer.
Our goal is to get you healthier.
Progress is the key, and there should be some definite, objective improvement within about 2 months if what we are doing and recommend is going to work.
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