Welcome to Corsello Clinic of Chiropractic, located in Stratford, CT. My name is Dr. Edward Corsello. I have suffered from ulcerative colitis for most of my life and was in and out of hospitals. I had tried both medical and alternative "cures" condition. I spent thousands of dollars "managing" my symptoms with not only medication but also vitamins, nutrition, acupuncture, and traditional chiropractic.
You name it, I tried it. I was at the point of hopelessness, ready to accept my doctors' explanation that my disease was "autoimmune, " my body was "attacking itself, " and it was just a case of "bad genes." Our Stratford upper cervical chiropractors are happy to answer questions about how upper cervical chiropractic treatments may help you and your family.
In this article, we're going to answer some common questions so you can get more familiar with our upper cervical chiropractic office. Most people believe that upper cervical chiropractors treat back pain. That is true, but there is so much more that upper cervical chiropractic care can achieve.
You name it, I tried it. I was at the point of hopelessness, ready to accept my doctors' explanation that my disease was "autoimmune, " my body was "attacking itself, " and it was just a case of "bad genes." Our Stratford upper cervical chiropractors are happy to answer questions about how upper cervical chiropractic treatments may help you and your family.
In this article, we're going to answer some common questions so you can get more familiar with our upper cervical chiropractic office. Most people believe that upper cervical chiropractors treat back pain. That is true, but there is so much more that upper cervical chiropractic care can achieve.
I had a great range of motion in my neck, and in the weeks that followed that initial adjustment, my plantar fascitis DISAPPEARED!
I recently started to bring my pre-teen son to Dr. Corsello.
He has been suffering from some pretty significant neuro-psychological issues for the last 18 months.
The psychiatrists and therapists were having a field day tossing scary diagnoses around regarding the psychological issues, but no one was addressing the neurological issues.
After a comprehensive exam and treatment from Dr. Corsello, I am getting my son back!
I recently started to bring my pre-teen son to Dr. Corsello.
He has been suffering from some pretty significant neuro-psychological issues for the last 18 months.
The psychiatrists and therapists were having a field day tossing scary diagnoses around regarding the psychological issues, but no one was addressing the neurological issues.
After a comprehensive exam and treatment from Dr. Corsello, I am getting my son back!
We put constant stress and strain on our spines through falls and accidents and also how we work, sleep, sit, stand, and carry.
The birthing process often causes misalignments in children.
When the spine moves out of position, it causes blockages that prevent the brain from communicating with each cell, organ, tissue, and system within the body.
In order for your body to express health, your spine must be in proper alignment.
We are here to help you reach optimal wellness in Stratford!
At Corsello Clinic of Chiropractic, you will receive personalized attention to your needs in a caring, friendly, family-oriented setting.
The birthing process often causes misalignments in children.
When the spine moves out of position, it causes blockages that prevent the brain from communicating with each cell, organ, tissue, and system within the body.
In order for your body to express health, your spine must be in proper alignment.
We are here to help you reach optimal wellness in Stratford!
At Corsello Clinic of Chiropractic, you will receive personalized attention to your needs in a caring, friendly, family-oriented setting.
Advanced/Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic in Stratford has proven to be extremely effective in longer-lasting corrections and assists you in keeping your recovery on a consistent track.
Dr. Corsello and Dr. Loy completed two years of education in addition to chiropractic school to become an AO specialist.
Advanced/Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic (AO) is one of the most unique procedures in the field of chiropractic.
Incorporating state-of-the-art technology, it provides to the patient a specialized evaluation including three-dimensional digital x-rays, computerized x-ray analysis (to determine the exact structural misalignments in the upper neck), and a precise procedure for correcting these conditions.
Dr. Corsello and Dr. Loy completed two years of education in addition to chiropractic school to become an AO specialist.
Advanced/Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic (AO) is one of the most unique procedures in the field of chiropractic.
Incorporating state-of-the-art technology, it provides to the patient a specialized evaluation including three-dimensional digital x-rays, computerized x-ray analysis (to determine the exact structural misalignments in the upper neck), and a precise procedure for correcting these conditions.
Do you have back pain in Stratford?
Whether it is your upper, middle, or lower back, it is likely that you will experience some form of back pain at some point in your life.
In fact, it is estimated that nearly 32 million Americans are experiencing back pain at this moment and that approximately 80% of the population will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime.
With these types of numbers, it's not surprising that back pain has grown to be the #1 cause of disability in the United States.
Whether it is your upper, middle, or lower back, it is likely that you will experience some form of back pain at some point in your life.
In fact, it is estimated that nearly 32 million Americans are experiencing back pain at this moment and that approximately 80% of the population will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime.
With these types of numbers, it's not surprising that back pain has grown to be the #1 cause of disability in the United States.
Migraines and headaches are serious and affect many people in Stratford.
If you're not sure if you have had a migraine or not, the chances are you probably have not had one.
The pain can be mind numbing, and for many patients it leaves them unable to function.
The traditional medical system relies on medication for this issue, but for many patients that's not enough.
It's important to find the source of whats causing the problem.
Our Stratford upper cervical chiropractic office can help.
There are many symptoms that can occur before a headache or migraine starts.
If you're not sure if you have had a migraine or not, the chances are you probably have not had one.
The pain can be mind numbing, and for many patients it leaves them unable to function.
The traditional medical system relies on medication for this issue, but for many patients that's not enough.
It's important to find the source of whats causing the problem.
Our Stratford upper cervical chiropractic office can help.
There are many symptoms that can occur before a headache or migraine starts.
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